Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The first post

Here we go! Now that almost 10 and a half months have past since Dylan was born I have decided to try blogging as a way to document what Dylan is up to and what we as a family are up to. The cute little baby book was one step to many for me....evidently I am way to tied to my computer.

Dylan's trick of the week is to stand by himself. I am not sure that he realizes that he is standing up by himself, there is certainly no fear or panic. He still uses other objects to pull himself up to standing but I can see that it will not be long before he can just stand up on his own. He is starting to push up into "down-dog" and spends more time squatting. I just love baby squats, if only I was able to squat with such ease. I think of Dylan when I am struggling in virasana.

On the food front, we had another trip to Dr Mayfield today. Not much new except he increased the dosage of GLA and did some more testing on Dylan which has now removed his beloved mandarins from the menu. This food sensitivity business is getting tiresome. Hopefully we will see a visual improvement in the excema once we take the citrus out of the diet.