Sunday, June 16, 2013

Carter - 4 months, baby toes and rolling...

~4 Months
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~Show us how old you are Dylan.   photo IMG_9155800x533_zps959ccc20.jpg photo IMG_9246533x800_zpsfb58d522.jpg  photo IMG_9247533x800_zps05e56797.jpg
~Got my toes!
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Rolling over...

Mother's Day Fiesta

For Mother's Day we were treated to a little musical fiesta.  photo 200800x533_zps8f80400b.jpg  photo 202800x533_zps4b8154d6.jpg  photo 203800x533_zps0bdb4d7f.jpg  photo 209800x533_zps54a63307.jpg  photo 214533x800_zps3182ccd3.jpg  photo 223800x533_zps5172aa25.jpg

And here is a video of part of the show.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

May Highlights

~Carter sitting in the Boppy.
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~The last of the Jacaranda flowers.  photo 225800x533_zps9542300f.jpg  photo 226800x533_zpse78fd2ec.jpg
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~All dressed up...
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~We had a visit from a Tarantula. I came home from doing the grocery shopping and was in the the process of finding Carter and Leti when the service entry door opened.  There was Leti and Carter followed by the building administrator, front desk security, two cleaning staff and Juan (the driver) with the groceries.  I was puzzled.  What could all these people be doing.  Juan answers my puzzled look with 'Spider, Big Spider'.  I wonder how big a spider warrants attention from all these people.  Leti leads the way down to Carter's room and out the window....Tarantula.  The cleaning team swept it in toward the window and bagged it for removal.  I have spent many a night walking around in the dark hoping that it was a one off!
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~Dylan ready to go out.  He wasn't looking so nice several hours later after he took a tumble down some steps while riding on a 'ride-on plane'.  Dirt down his shirt, blood and snot coming out of his nose.  It didn't keep him down long though.
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~What? You want to be scared?
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