Saturday, September 7, 2013

June fun.

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Carter sitting up.
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Dylan riding a horse at the Newcomers Club Summer BBQ
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Carter rolling around on a sheepskin (One way to tell you have a parent from NZ)  photo IMG_9522800x533_zps2518880c.jpg  photo IMG_9525800x533_zps402f9ee9.jpg
Dylan and Daddy
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Summer in Mexico City!
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A new kind of pillow fort
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Carter enjoying a sunny morning.
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It was him....
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Brothers having fun.
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Swinging with Daddy.
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End of year Fiesta

Dylan's class danced to music from Mary Poppins for their 'Festivales de fin de curso'.  The children all looked super cute in their costumes.  

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After all the dancing Miss Paola gave out the diplomas.

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Carter - 5 Months

Getting so big. Now the blocks are in danger of being taken before I get the photo taken.  photo IMG_9532800x533_zps22b5118f.jpg  photo IMG_9535800x533_zps21368e41.jpg  photo IMG_9545800x533_zpsb73c0855.jpg

Summer Fun

We enjoyed four wonderful weeks in Minnesota.  They were gone so quickly.

Carter enjoyed swinging at the cabin.
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Dylan LOVED S'mores!  photo 0472_zps319d95f1.jpg  photo 230600x800_zpsd976a136.jpg  photo 213800x600_zpsca37faa4.jpg
Ella and Dylan had fun playing together.
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Carter had his first fishing lesson from Grandpa.
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Driving the boat was another favorite for Dylan and Carter thought boating was fun too.
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Turtle Hunting
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Carter with his borrowed beads
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Swimming. The water was so clear.
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Matt captioned this one 'Overtons - get your $#%*(( game face on'. He also suggested that it looks like the cover of a rap album.
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The catch.
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Painting Fish
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Feeding the giraffe at the zoo
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Checking out the dinosaurs
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Eating outside.
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Hanging out in the Hammock
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Carter having an outdoor bath. 7 months old.
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Pool time
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Carter and Grandpa
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More cabin art. Interesting that I managed to paint fish and boards but not my toenails.
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Water fight
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Kayaking with Daddy
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The family picture. Getting harder and harder to get a good one.
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