We have taken to strolling around the neighborhood everyday. Sometimes we go once in the stroller and then again on foot. Often this is my way of wearing Dylan out so he will nap but I think we both find it peaceful and rejuvenating.
Thursday was one of those morning strolls with the aim of getting a nap before we headed out for the afternoon. First we go up the street to see if the orange cat is home. Dylan actually spent some time trying to pat kitty normally he is torn between getting close and getting away before kitty rubs up against him. We continued around the three block loop checking out tree trunks, maple helicopters (to which Dylan tries to copy the noise Daddy makes for helicopters, this usually results in a lot of spitting) and dandelions. We were also lucky enough to see a concrete truck in action. Once home Dylan took the nap I was hoping for. I actually had to wake him so we could make it to our car service appointment.
After the service appointment we headed to Wise Acre Eatery to lunch with my friend Marcia who was in town visiting (from Switzerland). It was great to catch up. After lunch we headed home with me thinking that it would be time for another nap. It was not to be but it sounds like he didn't melt down with Abby, who was looking after him while I headed out to dine at Rojos with my friends Marcia, Joni and Lori. I think we are on the start of the one nap schedule. :-(
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