Friday, September 30, 2011

The Grandparents come to visit - Part 1

Nana and Pop-pop almost caught us out...there had been a number of conversations about flight dates and times and so when I got the email with official flight times and dates all I looked at was the arrival time.  I was just going about my week expecting to go to the airport on Thursday to pick up Nana and Pop-pop when I get a text message (from Little Sister) on Wednesday morning saying they have arrived in LA.  After some quick calculations I realize that the days changed by one somewhere along the way but we can still make the pick-up work.

In the afternoon after a little last minute cleaning Dylan and I went to get the car serviced and then headed to the airport.  Finally after several laps and text messages Nana and Pop-pop emerge for pick-up.  There is the initial excitement and then some concern when I begin to wonder how we will fit all the luggage and my two additional passengers into the Prius.  Let's just say its lucky that Nana is skinny and it is not far from the airport to home!!!

On Thursday morning Nana and Pop-pop joined us at music.  After lunch and a nap it was time for Pop-pop to assemble the rocking horse that he made and brought with him.
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On Friday just as we were almost ready to leave the house trucks arrived across the street.  Dylan and I had been waiting for this for some time now (the tree across the street had been painted with the "mark of death" some time ago) and so there really was no other choice....but to stay and watch the show.

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On Saturday we headed to the Fulton Farmers Market.  After a speedy trip around the market and a quick bite to eat we headed home so Matt and I could go to yoga together.  Taking advantage of having the grandparents in the house.  In the afternoon we went to the playground where Dylan showed everyone how much he likes to play in the sand.  Dylan also showed interest in bikes!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket On Sunday we headed out to Minnetonka Orchards. It was a lovely day as evidenced by the number of other people at the orchard. Unfortunately I forgot the camera. Dylan rode on the train and enjoyed looking at the animals. The favorite was patting one of the rabbits. Nana and Pop-pop picked apples while Matt and I purchased donuts and apples with caramel sauce (yes, I admit the intention was that the apples with caramel were all for me!). Photobucket

Painting...and back to Trucks

Dylan did a little painting but it wasn't nearly as interesting as playing with the truck he got from his Great Grandmother's basement.
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My little artist

Back at the start of September when I was getting crazy with tomatoes and needed to occupy Dylan I gave him some chalk and told him he could draw on the concrete outside the back door. While I wasn't watching he came in and gave the walls a bit of a touch up. Lucky it was only chalk. Photobucket
So while I cleaned up the chalk Dylan cleaned up the dishes. He couldn't get enough. Photobucket Photobucket

Cabin Life - September

Another lazy weekend at the cabin...

We did make it to Dorset for a meal at Companeros with some of Rod's family.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hair today

It was time for a trim.
Getting the cape on.    Photobucket

The cutting.  While Dylan doesn't look happy there were not any tears during the hair cut.   Photobucket

The new hair style.   Photobucket

Enjoying the weather

We spent some time in the garden enjoying the flowers...and the dirt. 
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Pat and sniff the herbs. 
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We hit the splash pad, although Dylan spent more time on the slide than in the water. Here he is lounging with Daddy. Photobucket
Getting our shoes on. Photobucket

August Arty Pants and Playtime

We got together with friends for some painting and playtime.

The art.
Hose play.
Stick play.
Anything with wheels.

Playing with Friends

One warm Friday we headed to French Regional Park to see some friends and enjoy the lake. There was lots of fun had in the sand and the water. I have to be honest here....there were more photos but I am just so far behind that this is it.
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Crazy for Corn

Dylan likes to eat corn.

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