Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why? And other fun stuff.

Dylan, Carter and I attended another birthday party today. I will post more on the Mexican Birthday Party as we have experienced it in another post. Today the theme of the party was Minnie and Mickey Mouse. There was a show with adults dressed in Minnie and Mickey Mouse costumes. I think I also saw Donald Duck and Pluto. I wasn't actually watching the show. After the party I asked Dylan if he liked Mickey Mouse and this is how the rest of the conversation went... Dylan: No Me: Why? Dylan: Because of his Orejas. Me: His what? His ears? Dylan: Yes, his orejas. Me: But giraffes have ears and elephants. Elephants have big ears. Dylan: Why? Me: To cool themselves down. Dylan: Why? Me: Because they live in Africa, it is hot there. Why? Why? Why? At the party we also had a conversation about popcorn. Dylan wanted to know what animal it came from. After the party Dylan and I were eating dinner. Dylan announced he needed to go to the potty. I asked if he needed help and he said yes. When we get to the bathroom I put the little seat onto the big seat. Dylan takes it off and tells me he is going to pee standing up. I think to myself this is a bad idea. I help him pull his pants down.....and he stands there and starts peeing. No directing the pee. I am inexperienced at this but we managed to get most of the pee into the toilet once I gained control. Daddy arrives home while Dylan and I are playing before bedtime. Dylan: Daddy where have you been? Daddy: At work. Dylan: In that t-shirt?? Matt was wearing jeans and a polo shirt because he had been to an off-site with the Finance team, so not his normal work attire. Note to self: Dylan is taking notes on what you wear.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bedtime Entertainment

Tonight, as a fed Carter, I listened to Matt getting Dylan ready for bed. They were reading 'Honey...Honey...Lion!' by Jan Brett. I hear Dylan ask if he can see a crocodile eating a warthog. Matt obliges and looks for videos of crocodiles eating warthogs on YouTube. They watched three videos. After watching the crocodile verses warthog videos I hear Dylan ask if he can watch a snake eat a hippo....

Monday, February 18, 2013

Oh the journey's you have....

Oh the journey's you will have when you are on the couch with Nana and Dylan is driving....  photo 247800x533_zpsf6787d31.jpg

Early Birthday Bus Cake

While Nana and Pop-pop were here we had an early birthday celebration. Nana and Pop-pop made and decorated a bus cake. It was a huge hit!  photo 221533x800_zps297d748d.jpg  photo 224533x800_zps8ecf526f.jpg  photo 225533x800_zpsb65569d4.jpg

More of Carter

~Carter and Nana
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~Bath time
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~Daddy and Carter
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~Pop-pop and Carter
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Dylan's Nest

Dylan made a nest out of the foam floor letters.  photo 127800x533_zpsa2f39a63.jpg  photo 131800x533_zps3fac0aa0.jpg  photo 132800x533_zps4c21359f.jpg  photo 139crop_zps39cc9bd8.jpg

Nana comes to stay

Nana arrived on December 28 bringing with her another round of Christmas.
~Go Fish Cards from Nana and Pop-Pop
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~A Digger book and two cats and two cows (Nana couldn't bring Spooky the cat with her).
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We took Nana to the Papalote (Children's museum). Actually we were going to go to the Technology Museum but it was closed. Turns out the Technology Museum is a bit of a disappointment so just as well it was closed (Matt and Dylan went on a more recent weekend).
~The favorite - fishing.
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~Spiderman skills
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~Hot air balloon.
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Matt was fortunate enough to be home in Minneapolis for the annual Lefse and Christmas Cookie making day but Dylan and I were in Mexico. As a result I was determined that we would try to make some Lefse of our own. New Years Eve was a frenzy of Lefse making and eating. We used the tortilla press to 'roll' the Lefse out and cooked in in the non-stick pan. I tried the comal on our stove top but that was a fail. I thought the Lefse tasted pretty good. I also made huge Swedish meatballs. Jamie and Jeff better watch out because Dylan out ate all three of us without even trying...and they were BIG meatballs.
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The first days at home

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Story time.
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Day 1 and 2

Nana and Dylan came to visit Mama and baby Carter at the hospital.  photo 108533x800_zps2ea05bc6.jpg  photo 104800x533_zps0ac0573b.jpg
The new family portrait. Mama is looking particularly HOT in this one.  photo 093800x533_zps7382ba0d.jpg
Dylan checking out his new baby brother.  photo 085800x533_zps0acd9f0a.jpg  photo 081800x533_zps5c16278a.jpg

All ready to go home.  photo 027800x600_zps10fbf9e9.jpg

Welcome Carter

We welcomed baby Carter into the family on January 9 at 4.37am. He weighed 3.56 kilograms and was 50 centimeters long. Carter was born in the water and his Daddy caught him. Those of you who know Matt know this was his limit, he declined the cord cutting job.  photo 006800x600_zps654fcc77.jpg  photo 008800x600_zpsc615bd9e.jpg  photo 009800x600_zpsc9f90fd1.jpg