Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dirt showers and Snow showers.

Monday we spent some time outside.  While Dylan was crusing around I dug a few weeds.  Dylan helped out by throwing dirt on the ground.  Once he tired of putting dirt on the ground he decided that a dirt shower would be a good idea.

Wednesday bought us more snow, thankfully it was only temporary.  We did venture out and checkout the big flakes while they were falling.  In the afternoon the sun came out and all the snow was gone.

On Friday we got a parcel from Auntie Donna.  We opened the parcel while we video called with Auntie Donna.  Inside there was a little something for Mama for her birthday and a book and a little Pukeko (purple swamp hen) for Dylan.  Dylan screwed up his nose and studied the Pukeko very closely.  He did not seem to be impressed.  Later that evening the Pukeko made it to the inner circle and Daddy was on hand to capture the moment.

On Saturday we celebrated my birthday with a tasty Roast Lamb lunch.  Auntie Sarah, Uncle Rod and Grandma and Grandpa Osberg came to join in the celebrations.  The highlight for Dylan was the helium balloons.

On Sunday we celebrated Easter at Jamie and Jenny's.  It was a great get together.  The food was fabulous!  We have great hopes that there will be tomato pie and pulled pork next easter when family will be even bigger than it is now and even bigger than we anticipated at the beginning of the weekend.  Congratulations to Kris and Jeff!!  

Dylan enjoyed playing the piano in the basement and visiting Lindy the dog with anyone who would take him.  Dylan also managed to convince Grandma (or maybe it was the other way around) to take him outside to look for hidden eggs before the egg hunt officially started.  Fortunately for the other children Dylan was more interested in shaking the couple of eggs he picked up than looking for more eggs.

After a refreshing nap Dylan was ready to go again.  This involved digging in the pots on the front step, carrying around the monkey cup, trying to kick the ball and checking out the helium balloons.

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