Friday, May 6, 2011

Bubble Bubble Bubble

We started the week out with bubbles.  Soapy bubbles, the kind you blow (blowing is now the sign for "I want to blow bubbles) and bubbles of laughter.  Dylan isn't that interested in watching me blow bubbles for him or in watching bubbles but he is interested in dipping the bubble wand into the soap and blowing fiercely.  So far he hasn't had any luck with making bubbles but it is pretty funny to watch.

Dylan has found lots of things funny this week and Dylan's laughing has lead to lots of laughing by us.  One of  the things that Dylan finds hilarious is his Mama saying "are you stinky poooooo" and "poooo stinky", with lots of emphasis on the "pooooo".   Just saying "poooo" brings on laughter.  The other thing that is guaranteed to bring a laugh is the pajama game.  The pajama game consists of Daddy starting to put pj's on Dylan, then taking them off and putting them on his head and saying Daddy's pajamas, repeat until it really is time for books and bed.

Dylan is finally learning some cleaning skills to help with the food dropping skills.  Dylan watched me wipe the floor after lunch one day.  Not long afterwards I see him with the same cloth in hand wiping the floor by the kitchen sink.  The next day he tried two cloths at once and wiped lots of different spots in the kitchen.

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