On Friday afternoon we headed North for our first cabin trip of 2011. We timed our departure to coincide with Dylan's afternoon nap in the hope that he would nap which he did but only for a short time. Some serious entertaining had to be done by Daddy to keep the peace in the back seat. We were all pleased to arrive.
Saturday started out with showers but that didn't mean that we could avoid the chores of the weekend.
Dylan got to ride the tractor and checkout the woodsplitter in action.
We also got to see an enormous porcupine. He was hard to get a good picture of but here he is....
Then there was a boat ride and time to play in the shallows. Yay for boots!
Later in the afternoon there was wagon rides, rock sorting and bubbles.
We finished Saturday out with a great Mother's Day meal.
On Sunday Dylan did some cleaning before getting in some more tractor rides, wagon rides, swinging and stories with Grandpa. There was also some more rock sorting.
We got home to see our tulips had bloomed and the hostas had grown two inches over the weekend.
Oh my gosh that picture of him with grandpa is priceless! So, so many good ones here though - what a little boy he's growing into. Love the little yogi! And that porcupine - way cool!