~The view from the plane shortly after taking off from Toluca.
~Getting in a little swim while we wait for lunch after arriving at the resort.
~Already jumping off the edge of the pool.
~Hitting the beach with Grandma.
~Nothing like a little swim in the sand.
~Checking out the waves with Grandpa and Uncle Rod.
~More lying in the sand.
~Sand chair time (otherwise known as having your legs buried in the sand).
~Knocking over another sand castle (they didn't last long, in fact knocking them over seemed to be the best part of sand castles).
~Checking out the crocodiles.
~Looking at the flamingos.
~Dylan enjoyed playing with these chess pieces (unfortunately the little point and shoot camera had some difficulty with the light and movement).
So glad that between tickets, thefts and earthquakes you're able to relax and ahve some fun. Look how big Dylan's getting!! Love the mouthfull of sand he's got from swimming in it! So cute!