Saturday, June 30, 2012

Father's Day festival at school

Matt when to school to attend the Father's Day festival for Dylan's class.

The children got to to share with their Father's some of the activities they do at school (in what I would consider to be physical education) - pretending to drive cars with mini hoops, catching mice with funnels (the mice were balls rolling along the ground), and stopping the ball and hitting it with small tennis rackets. Here they are at the beginning - they had to come in and sit on the colored shapes.
Then the class sang a special song for Fathers. Dylan showed us that he is not a big stage performer - no surprises there! Since the festival he has watched the video more times that I can keep track of (our Driver busted me humming the tune yesterday!) and he now does some of the actions and even sang a few words yesterday.

Dylan and Daddy

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