Friday, June 22, 2012

School Visit to La Granja del Tio Pepe

On May 18 Dylan's class had a trip to La Granja del Tio Pepe. I wrote most of the post on the day of the trip while I listened to Dylan's over-tired babbling about the trip (he was in the crib trying to go to sleep) but I only just got around to dealing with the photos.

Dylan was eager to get going and see the animals from the moment we arrived.  He wanted to see his favorite animals - the cows, the ducks and the turtles - and he wanted to see them at his pace.  After we got our name tags we headed off to see the chickens.  Our 'guide' talked about the colors of the hen and the different parts of the hen (beak, crest etc) and then the children got to pat the hen.  Then some of the children (by their choice) got to hold a baby chicken. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket  

From the hen house we moved on to look at the turkeys before feeding some laying hens. Photobucket Photobucket

 After feeding the hens we moved on to the rabbits.  Our guide tried to get the children to all sit on the ground so they could hold some of the small bunnies. It was a little chaotic.  Dylan enjoyed holding and patting a little bunny.  At that moment in time it was probably his favorite moment of the day, he didn't want to give the bunny back.
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We stopped briefly to see the pigs before moving on to the sheep.  Dylan did not want to look at the sheep and he certainly did not want to pat the sheep.  We washed our hands and had a little snack instead.   Photobucket Photobucket

From the sheep we moved on to see the goats.  Dylan enjoyed feeding the goats and touching their ears as they leaned out of their enclosure. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

 After the goats it was time for the official snack time.  It was interesting to observe what each of the mamas had packed for their child and how many of the children had lollipops at the end of snack time.

When Dylan had finished his snack he played in the ball pit and climbed the stairs to the big slides (this play structure is very high and I was anxious to get down!). Photobucket Photobucket

After snack time we went to see the cows.  Dylan was so eager to feed the cows that he strolled right on over to our guide and took some feed right out of his hands while he was still talking about the cow. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

 From the cows we moved on to the ducks.  All the boys and girls got little baskets which were filled with popped corn.  I think this would be most terrifying for a small child.  The ducks crowd around each basket and peck furiously to get as much of the popped corn as they can.  Dylan thinks it is great and asked for more corn.

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After the ducks we went to visit the garden. The children each had a turn to pull a radish from the ground. While we waited Dylan practiced his sad face.
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The last animal we visited was the horse.  On our way over to the horse Dylan and I stopped by to look at the turtles because I knew he wanted to see them.  Actually he really wanted to hold one like the last time we visited.  So he was a little grumpy when we got to the horse arena and just wanted to sit at the back and have something more to eat.

The horse is all saddled up and ready to be ridden by anyone who wants a ride. One of the farm staff leads the horse and the other makes sure that the child doesn't fall off.  Dylan told me he did not want to ride the horse.  I asked him several times and he said no every time.  His teacher asked him if he wanted a ride and still no.  All the children were finished riding the horse and another class was waiting for their turn.  We were heading out of the riding arena and Dylan says  "Want to ride the caballo! Want to ride the Caballo!".  I told Dylan it was too late to ride the horse and he cried.

I have just heard on the monitor Dylan telling himself or maybe Stella about how he wanted to the ride the horse and he how he cried and cried.  He also talked about how he liked the vacas (cows) and the goats but not the sheep (this has been the same on every visit, not very 'Kiwi') and how he couldn't find the turtles.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Blog posts!! So fun to see how you guys are all doing! I can't believe how grown-up Dylan looks - and we just saw you but man! What a brave little go-getter. It looks like you're settling into a good life in Mexico.
